As part of Accera, you’ll have the opportunity to work on exciting projects, learn from some of the best in the business, and help build something truly special.
Accera is selective in choosing new partners. We are looking for new partners who share our core values and have the necessary resources and capabilities to contribute positively to our company. Partners who want to be part of our family and want a successful partnership with good communication and effective cooperation. We see our partnerships as long-term relationships that benefit both parties and we are happy to invest time and energy in nurturing these relationships and ensuring everyone’s success.
We are dedicated to our work and strive to deliver the best results within the agreed timeframe. We always provide service of the highest standard and make every effort to exceed our customers’ expectations. Join our family!
Be partner with Accera
Our partners & Suppliers
Big brands, small bussiness, new startup and inividuals
Strong relations can last a liftime
What our customers & partner say
Marcello Pausgaard
Partner - MMRecruitment
Marianne Kock
General manager - Ferring Pharmaceuticals
Dea Halberg
Rekrutteringskonsulent - All Recruit
Bjørn Ryhding
Driftsleder - Expandia
Thomas Christensen
Salgskonsulent - Lemvigh-Müller
Patrick Møller
Salgskonsulent - Brødrene AO
Thomas Larsson
Adm. Direktør - Soundport
Frank Press
Facility manager - Ferring Pharmaceuticals